Welcome to the Centre for Inquiry Winnipeg! CFI Canada is one of Canada’s fastest growing communities for humanists, skeptics and freethinkers. Centre for Inquiry Canada Winnipeg branch fosters a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.
CFIC Winnipeg offers an opportunity to put your principles into practice by joining other rationalists to work for positive change in society. The Winnipeg branch sponsors social events for freethinkers, skeptics, atheists and agnostics. We organize activism, provide educational resources and network with policy makers to help create a more skeptical and secular Manitoba. (Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are online only at the moment)
In this time of rising religiosity, anti-intellectualism and political turmoil on ethical issues it is critical that rationalists and freethinkers join together to protect civil liberties, defend reason, and work toward increasing scientific literacy.
Our Priorities
CFIC Winnipeg was initiated by a group of CFI Canada members and volunteers following Humanist Atheist Agnostic Manitoba’s September 2015 River City Reasonfest conference in Winnipeg. The conference was a first for HAAM with many engaging speakers including CFI Canada’s National Executive Director speaking about Canada’s blasphemous libel law.
Community Partners
CFIC Manitoba is proud to recognize our friends and colleagues throughout Manitoba.
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Get Involved
CFIC Winnipeg welcomes volunteers in all of our activities. Please get involved, Fill in our volunteer application